Shipthrifty built online tools that help Operation Yellow Ribbon create shipping labels with the major carriers. We save time, money, hassles, and our shipping has never been easier. We are sharing them with you because they have helped us, other individuals, small businesses, military families, and nonprofits, and we believe they could do the same for you. Plus, their shipping model leverages group buying power, the more people who ship, the more everyone saves!
Here’s a short video on Google Drive, Shipthrifty Affiliate Referral Overview, to learn how your shipping could help us and how Shipthrifty could help you. It doesn’t matter if you send one package a year or thousands; you can still use them.
To sign up, please use this link
They are great people and do so much to support the troops and non-profits like OYR.
Feel free to reach out to Michelle to talk about your shipping. Her email is or call her directly at 651-338-7196.
For the Troops,